Leveraging After-Action Reviews (AARs) for Better Proposals

Dec 11, 2023

Many government contractors overlook the importance of After-Action Reviews (AARs), but these evaluations are crucial for growth and improvement. The proposal process for government contracts is often exhaustive and stressful, so it's understandable that teams may not want to revisit it immediately. However, AARs offer a valuable opportunity to reflect, learn, and enhance future proposals.

Conducting Effective AARs

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to conducting AARs. Some companies use surveys, while others hold formal meetings or discussions. The key is to encourage transparent and anonymous feedback, engage in meaningful discussions, and commit to iterative improvement. This process should evolve with your team and be a consistent practice.

Key Questions for AARs

  1. What Was Expected to Happen? Understand your initial expectations. Were they realistic? Did they align with your team's experience and knowledge of the client and competitive environment? Setting appropriate expectations is essential for a coherent and effective proposal process.
  2. What Actually Occurred? Reflect on the realities of the process. What diverged from your expectations? Which tasks were more challenging, and which went as planned? Encourage team members to provide objective perspectives on the entire process.
  3. What Went Well, and Why? No proposal process is flawless, but identifying and understanding successful elements can provide valuable insights. What are you proud of, and what contributed to these successes?
  4. What Can Be Improved, and How? Focus on systemic elements like tools, workflows, and communication strategies. Avoid dwelling on unavoidable challenges. Instead, develop a plan to address the most pressing issues and commit to ongoing improvement. Assign someone to lead this initiative and ensure regular progress checks.

AARs should be more than a routine exercise; they're an opportunity for genuine growth and improvement. By systematically evaluating each proposal process, government contractors can continuously refine their approaches, leading to more successful bids in the future. Over time, AARs will transform from a post-mortem analysis into a proactive strategy session, celebrating achievements and setting the stage for future successes. This commitment to reflective learning and continuous improvement is what distinguishes thriving government contractors from the rest.